Rich and mellow tunes resonated through the club lawn on March 6, at The Saturday Club presents Bansuri Ki Dhun in association with The Telegraph. The event brought forth a beautiful evening of melodies that serenaded the soul. The audience witnessed a skillful musical invocation by Rakesh Chaurasia, Gopal Barman and Subh Maharaj under a well-lit lawn with food and beverages to accompany them.
“It was a beautiful soulful evening and I’m sure people were mesmerised by the performance and that’s what we were here for,” said Harjyoti Bindra, president of The Saturday Club.
“Over the past three or four years, we’ve been having classical music events at least once a year. Of course we try to make it big. This time we were fortunate enough to connect with Rakesh Chaurasia and so we grabbed the opportunity to invite him to play for the classical music audience of the club. That’s how we conceived this idea,” added Shayak Gupta, entertainment convenor.