In the run-up to the Kolkata Rainbow Pride Walk on December 15, a poster making and sloganeering workshop was held earlier this week at the Anjali Pratyay Home in Tiljala. The event brought together members of the community for a creative and collaborative session.
The workshop was an opportunity for participants to create beautiful posters and slogans that will be used during the pride march. The focus was on sharing ideas, spreading messages of inclusion and equality, and celebrating the diversity of the community. Participants were provided with all the materials needed, including poster boards, paints, and markers, ensuring everyone could take part comfortably.
Navonil Das, co-initiator of Kolkata Pride, said: “Today, in this 150-year-old Anjali Pratyay house, we celebrate pride with the people here, a proof to the statement that inclusivity is not just a buzzword but a way of life for many of us, who are actively practising it. Let us embrace ourselves, and uplift each other together.”
The workshop encouraged self-expression, and emphasised on the importance of visibility and solidarity within the community.