Dhanbad: One person was killed and two injured when a speeding trailer rammed into an auto rickshaw on Rangatand chowk near Dhanbad Railway Station in the wee hours of Monday. The deceased Rehan, a Panderpala, Wasseypur resident, was taking a nap in his auto rickshaw parked near the chowk when the trailer hit three auto rickshaw. He died on the spot.
The incident sparked wide protests by auto drivers and local residents of Panderpala who blocked roads for over three hours demanding compensation for the family members of the deceased and free treatment of those injured.
A team from Dhanbad Sadar police station reached the spot and pacified the agitating resident following which the blockade was lifted.
Talking to the media, father of Md Rehan said, “I was in deep sleep when I got the news of my son, who was waiting in the auto passengers in the wee hours. The trailer which came from behind flouting the no entry norm rammed into the auto due to which he died. We want justice and compensation and also demand police deputation to avoid flouting of traffic norms.”
The officer-in-charge-cum-inspector Vinay Kumar said, “The incident took place during the wee hours when there was little traffic. We have seized the trailer and have also arrested the driver and cleaner.”
Praduman Choubey
Dhanbad judge case: Narco test and brain mapping for auto driver and his accomplice
Dhanbad: A team of Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) probing, Judge Uttam Anand alleged murder case remanded prime accused - auto driver Lakhan Verma and his accomplice Rahul Verma, today, for further medial test including brain mapping and Narco test. The team reached Dhanbad divisional jail earlier this morning and took them to Ranchi via road, from where they will be reaching Delhi by air for further medical tests.
Earlier on December 3, CBI had petitioned before special CBI Judge, Rajnikant Pathak of Dhanbad for further remand of the duo in order to investigate into the details of the conspiracy behind the murder. Following which the court granted permission for the same between December 6 to 29 for further medical tests in Delhi and Gujarat.
The CBI in its petition to the court further claimed that there lies a great conspiracy behind the murder and they have received some inkling about the mastermind and conspiracy behind the murder during the earlier interrogation of duo and further medical test of the duo is needed for the unravelling of facts behind the murder. The CBI further charged that the duo is continuously changing their statements during interrogation.
Notably, Uttam Anand, Additional District and Session judge of Dhanbad was killed near his house on July 28 at around 5.08 am while he was on a morning walk.
Praduman Choubey