Over 70 former contract workers of a Maharashtra based private company, MTC Pvt Ltd carried out the dismantling of an old fertilizer factory of Fetlizer Corporation of India on Thursday carried out bare-bodied demonstration in front of the upcoming Hindustan Urvarak and Rasayan Limited (HURL) factory at Sindri.
This was the second day of their agitation, as they demanded contract jobs in the factory during the factory laying process.
The protest came to a halt after the arrival of a district administration team, and the magistrate who instructed the agitators to present their cases to the labour commissioner.
Talking to media Sharad Kalindi, one of agitators said that they had carried out a daylong agitation at Randhir Verma Chowk near the district headquarters two days ago compelling them to launch the strike as the HURL management didn’t respond to their requests.
Public relations officer of Hindustan Urvarak and Rasayan Limited, Navin Kumar Singh said the demonstration was planned to defame HURL.
“These persons never worked with HURL. Rather, they have worked with MTC, the agency engaged for scrap cutting by Fertlizer Corporation of India” said Singh..
Dhanbad deputy commissioner, Umashankar Singh, who took office on Wednesday evening swung into action on Thursday with a host of steps to control the Covid infection by carrying out inspection of the Sadar Hospital and Dhanbad district collectorate, besides different offices.
He also held a meeting with the Dhanbad Municipal Corporation, Patliputra Medical College and Hospital (PMCH), and health department officials, and laid stress on better coordination between departments, quick response to emergencies and strengthening of the reporting network to ensure effectivity.
During the inspection of Sadar hospital, Singh encouraged frontline coronavirus warriors and instructed officials to increase personnel and facilities, including the installation of a Reverse Osmosis plant to ensure safe drinking water for the doctors and patients in the hospital.
He also held a long meeting with nurses, ward boys of the Sadar Hospital, took stock of their problems, and instructed the officials to find solutions.
He also checked up on the availability of personnel and beds in PMCH, and the dedicated Covid hospital in Dhanbad.
Road blockade
More than 50 residents of Bastacola, Jharia led by the family members of 18-year-old Rajesh Thakur who died on Thursday morning at the Patliputra Medical College and Hospital (PMCH) blocked the Jharia-Dhanbad road for more than two hours.
The protestors charged that the Rajesh Thakur was killed by a few youths of his colony, including his landlord Dharmendra Yadav and demanded arrest.
The blockade was lifted after a team of police led by DSP (Law and Order) Mukesh Kumar reached at the site and convinced the protestors of a comprehensive probe and action against those responsible for his death.
Rajesh Thakur was found lying injured last evening, a few yards away from his house in Bastacola.
Police admitted him to PMCH last night, where he died during the course of treatment today.