In a proactive move, Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann has called upon Governor Banwari Lal Purohit to promptly approve five crucial bills that were duly passed by the state legislative assembly earlier this year. The Chief Minister's appeal comes in the wake of a recent decision by the Supreme Court validating the legislative sittings where the bills were passed.
In a formal letter addressed to the Governor, Mann emphasized the urgency of clearing the five bills that have been awaiting assent since their passage by the Punjab Vidhan Sabha. Four of these bills were approved during the budget session on June 19 and 20, 2023. The Governor had previously expressed reservations about the validity of the special sittings convened by the Speaker in June, hindering the approval process.
However, Chief Minister Mann highlighted that the Supreme Court, in its orders dated November 10, has now affirmed the validity of the Vidhan Sabha's sittings on both June 19-20 and October 20, 2023. This development removes the obstacle that the Governor had cited regarding the legislative proceedings, paving the way for the immediate approval of the pending bills.
The five bills awaiting clearance include The Sikh Gurdwaras (Amendment) Bill, 2023, The Punjab Police (Amendment) Bill, 2023, The Punjab Affiliated Colleges (Security of Service) (Amendment) Bill, 2023, The Punjab Universities Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2023, and The Punjab State Vigilance Commission (Repeal) Bill, 2022.
Chief Minister Mann urged the Governor to fulfill the constitutional obligation and uphold the democratic spirit, as emphasized by the Supreme Court's directives on November 10. The immediate approval of these bills is deemed crucial for the effective governance and development of the state.