A group of Karnataka BJP MPs led by Shobha Karandlaje on Tuesday met home minister Amit Shah and sought central help to trace missing Cafe Coffee Day (CCD) founder V.G. Siddhartha, who is also the son-in-law of former Karnataka chief minister S.M. Krishna.
Karandlaje informed Shah that Siddartha is a resident of her Udupi-Chikmagalur parliamentary constituency and he is reported to be missing since July 29 from the Dakhina Kannada district.
The state government has already started a search in the Netravati bridge area. Since it is raining in coastal Karnataka, the water level in the river has risen, she has informed Shah.
'The heavy rains and the current weather conditions in Karnataka are causing problems for a speedy search. Therefore, I request your good self to help the government of Karnataka by sending coastal guard, central forces and helicopters in this search operation...,' she wrote.
Nalin Kumar Kateel, Karadi Sanganna, Bhagwant Khuba, B.C. Gathi Gowda and Y. Devendrappa were the other BJP MPs present in the meeting.