Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai attended the Mega Parent Teacher Meeting at the Government Higher Secondary School, Bandarchua today. He listened to the parents' experiences regarding the programme. Along with the parents, some children's grandparents also attended.
Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai stated, “The family is the first school of any child, and the parents are the first teachers. The parent-teacher meeting programme has been started in government schools so that parents can get information about their children's studies and actively participate in their educational progress."
"Today, many activities are being conducted in schools for the all-round development of children.” He urged parents to stay in constant touch with their children's teachers, stating that this would not only provide information about their studies but also reduce the possibility of the children falling into bad company.
On this occasion, the Chief Minister also honored the parents. School Education Secretary Siddharth Komal Pardeshi expressed his views, stating, “A mega parent-teacher meeting program is being organized in all 5,500 clusters of the state. Recently, in a review meeting of the Education Department, the Chief Minister mentioned that while PTMs are organized in private schools, they are not held in government schools. We should implement it. This parent-teacher meeting is being organized on the Chief Minister's instructions and will play an important role in the all-round development of the child. The main objective of the parent-teacher meeting is to ensure the participation of parents along with teachers in studies and school activities.”
Harisevak Chouhan of Dondapani stated that he himself studied at this school, and now one of his grandsons is pursuing an MSc after studying here. His second grandson is currently in Class 11.
He described the programme as a great initiative toward improving the quality of education. He recalled that his teacher used to say, "Not only am I teaching you, but I am also becoming a medium of good education for your children because if you are educated, your child will certainly also be educated."
Chouhan stressed that communication between parents and teachers allows for continuous monitoring of the child's educational progress and strengthens their foundation. Similarly, Philsita Kujur shared, "I am not very educated, but I am trying to educate my granddaughter well. Through the parent-teacher meetings, all parents will get information about their children's progress, enabling them to work hard with them at home too.”