Several Bollywood actors, including Farhan Akhtar, Dia Mirza and Swara Bhasker, on Saturday condemned the felling of trees in Aarey Colony being carried out to make way for a Metro car shed.
Hours after Bombay High Court dismissed four petitions by NGOs against the felling of over 2,600 trees, the Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation Ltd (MMRCL) swung into action and started hacking trees for the project.
Akhtar said in a tweet:
In a series of tweets, Mirza said that this “massacre” needs to be stopped.
“400 trees have been cut in the dead of the night. As citizens sang and joined hands in unity pleading to STOP this massacre. Can’t you see they are UNITED by love!?! Love for nature. Love for our children and our future. #Aarey #ClimateAction #ActNow #ChangeIsComing,” she said.
In another tweet, the actor said that there was supposed to be a 15-day waiting period after the permission was granted and notice had been uploaded on the official website.
“But there is no waiting here. Our trees are being cut as citizens desperately plead to STOP this! @moefcc @PrakashJavdekar #Aarey.”
Sharing a video of the felling of trees on Twitter, actor Richa Chadda wrote: “If you’re a parent and not seriously angered about this shady tree felling in the night, lemme know how you feel about looking your kids in their eyes.”
In another tweet, Chadda expressed her anger, saying: “All this for a carshed — which is basically like a parking lot for the Metro. Stealing oxygen from the lungs of citizens.”
“And it’s begun! #AareyForest #AareyColony being destroyed,” Swara said.
Actor Urmila Matondkar, who had unsuccessfully contested the Lok Sabha elections as a Congress candidate from Mumbai North before quitting the party last month, said what was happening at Aarey Colony was “truly incomprehensible”.
Actor Pooja Bhatt said that in a “fair, ethical, just and humane world it should be the other way around”.
“The state should be protecting the trees from the men with machetes who arrive cloaked in darkness. Alas, this is the world we live in. One without a moral compass & conscience. God help us all!” she tweeted.
In a tweet, filmmaker Onir said: