The AAP has long been accused of being the BJP’s “B-team”. On Tuesday, the AAP brought the “B” out in the open with a Bhojpuri campaign jingle recently made popular by BJP MP, singer and actor Manoj Tiwari.
A Bhojpuri track to seek votes in Delhi is unheard of, reflecting the growing relevance of the immigrants from Bihar, Jharkhand and eastern Uttar Pradesh — called Poorvanchalis. The song’s tune is of a sohar folk song by Bhojpuri singer Gayatri Thakur called Hamara Bujhata Babua DM Hohen.
Tiwari sang it with new lyrics in a song titled Hind ke Sitara for the OTT series Panchayat — a comedy-drama on village politics and governance in north India — which has been hugely popular ever since it first aired in 2020.
AAP’s song says: “Aye Rajaji, Phir se Kejriwal ki zaroorat… Aail ba muhurat ho (The time has come when we need Kejriwal again.)” AAP chief whip in the Delhi Assembly, Dilip Pandey, who has composed several jingles for the party earlier, named AAP supporters Shailendra, Sushant, Sonal and Sagar as the creators of the track.
He explained: “Historically, sohar songs recount tales like the birth of Lord Ram or Lord Krishna, and they are synonymous with celebration and hope…. This song also reinforces the faith in Arvind Kejriwal as the leader whowill continue to steer Delhi forward.”