Walk the right way

At the beginning, keep your mileage consistent for two to three weeks, then increase it by about 10 percent, and again stay consistent for another two to three weeks

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The Telegraph
Published 10.06.21, 01:03 AM

Maximise the benefits of walking, keeping a few simple tips in mind.

SHOES: Go for walking shoes. Some running shoes may be all right for walking, but walking shoes are of special benefit. They’re typically less cushioned, lighter and less bulky than running shoes.


DURATION AND SPEED: According to experts, you should aim at 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise a week or 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise every week for substantial health benefits. You should aim at between 100 and 130 steps per minute. This equates to moderate- and vigorous-intensity

EXERCISE: To know your speed, count your steps for 15 seconds, then multiply by four.

POSTURE: Before you start walking, stand straight. Look at a distance of about 10 to 20 feet in front of you. Relax your shoulders, keeping them back and down. Position your pelvis so it’s neutral, rather than tucked under or sticking out. Let your arms swing from your shoulders instead of from your elbows.

INCLINE: While many outdoor routes are bound to have uphill and downhill sections, make sure that the final stretch isn’t entirely on a decline.

MILEAGE: At the beginning, keep your mileage consistent for two to three weeks, then increase it by about 10 percent, and again stay consistent for another two to three weeks.

WEIGHTS: Do not wear ankle weights while walking, especially if you have any injury.

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Healthy Habits Walking Health Tips
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