You are not alone

With we becoming increasingly lonelier, here are a few tips to battle loneliness

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The Telegraph
Published 20.05.21, 05:53 AM

The Harvard Medical School email service prescribes this thinking about older people. But maybe in these trying times, when we are becoming increasingly lonelier as we deal with tragedy, the following could apply to all humanity.

Steps to conquer loneliness:


• Connect with family and friends in a way you like: by phone, video chat, or talking with your neighbours from your balcony.

• Be thankful. Loneliness can make people focus on themselves and their problems. Express appreciation toward friends, family, and strangers.

• Focus on what you can change. Focus on what is within your control and work at it. Do not dwell on your current situation.

• Be busy. Complete a chore, spend time writing, find a new hobby, or just allow yourself to delve into a new activity.

• Stop being negative. Be with people and activities that bring you happiness. Do not watch news all the time.

• Be kind. To yourself and others. Engaging in activities you enjoy can also help those around you and may lead to deeper connections.

• Start a balanced routine. Your daily plan should include physical activity, time with loved ones, a project or hobby, and a pleasurable activity that makes you relax.

Mental Health Loneliness Pandemic Covid-19
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