Bucking (Bollywood) tradition has been the hallmark of Anushka Sharma’s decade-long acting career. Conventionally, actresses look at production and marriage only when acting offers begin dwindling. But Anushka became a producer at 25 and got married at 29. The safety net of convention is not one that the actress is even remotely interested in. “My life has always been like that and I’ve done things unconventionally. I’ve done these things because they seemed right to me, not because someone else is doing it,” she said when t2 met her for a chat at Mumbai’s Mehboob Studio recently.
Anushka is gearing up for her last release of 2018 — Aanand L. Rai’s ambitious fillm Zero — that also stars Shah Rukh Khan and Katrina Kaif and she chatted about being confined to a wheelchair to play Aafia, the monologue in her head when she first met Shah Rukh Khan and her secret destination wedding last year.
Bucking (Bollywood) tradition has been the hallmark of Anushka Sharma’s decade-long acting career. Conventionally, actresses look at production and marriage only when acting offers begin dwindling. But Anushka became a producer at 25 and got married at 29. The safety net of convention is not one that the actress is even remotely interested in. “My life has always been like that and I’ve done things unconventionally. I’ve done these things because they seemed right to me, not because someone else is doing it,” she said when t2 met her for a chat at Mumbai’s Mehboob Studio recently.
Anushka is gearing up for her last release of 2018 — Aanand L. Rai’s ambitious fillm Zero — that also stars Shah Rukh Khan and Katrina Kaif and she chatted about being confined to a wheelchair to play Aafia, the monologue in her head when she first met Shah Rukh Khan and her secret destination wedding last year.
Bucking (Bollywood) tradition has been the hallmark of Anushka Sharma’s decade-long acting career. Conventionally, actresses look at production and marriage only when acting offers begin dwindling. But Anushka became a producer at 25 and got married at 29. The safety net of convention is not one that the actress is even remotely interested in. “My life has always been like that and I’ve done things unconventionally. I’ve done these things because they seemed right to me, not because someone else is doing it,” she said when t2 met her for a chat at Mumbai’s Mehboob Studio recently.
Anushka is gearing up for her last release of 2018 — Aanand L. Rai’s ambitious fillm Zero — that also stars Shah Rukh Khan and Katrina Kaif and she chatted about being confined to a wheelchair to play Aafia, the monologue in her head when she first met Shah Rukh Khan and her secret destination wedding last year.
Bucking (Bollywood) tradition has been the hallmark of Anushka Sharma’s decade-long acting career. Conventionally, actresses look at production and marriage only when acting offers begin dwindling. But Anushka became a producer at 25 and got married at 29. The safety net of convention is not one that the actress is even remotely interested in. “My life has always been like that and I’ve done things unconventionally. I’ve done these things because they seemed right to me, not because someone else is doing it,” she said when t2 met her for a chat at Mumbai’s Mehboob Studio recently.
Anushka is gearing up for her last release of 2018 — Aanand L. Rai’s ambitious fillm Zero — that also stars Shah Rukh Khan and Katrina Kaif and she chatted about being confined to a wheelchair to play Aafia, the monologue in her head when she first met Shah Rukh Khan and her secret destination wedding last year.
Bucking (Bollywood) tradition has been the hallmark of Anushka Sharma’s decade-long acting career. Conventionally, actresses look at production and marriage only when acting offers begin dwindling. But Anushka became a producer at 25 and got married at 29. The safety net of convention is not one that the actress is even remotely interested in. “My life has always been like that and I’ve done things unconventionally. I’ve done these things because they seemed right to me, not because someone else is doing it,” she said when t2 met her for a chat at Mumbai’s Mehboob Studio recently.
Anushka is gearing up for her last release of 2018 — Aanand L. Rai’s ambitious fillm Zero — that also stars Shah Rukh Khan and Katrina Kaif and she chatted about being confined to a wheelchair to play Aafia, the monologue in her head when she first met Shah Rukh Khan and her secret destination wedding last year.