Arindam Sil has started the shoot of his new series, Saheb Bibi Joker, starring Koushik Sen, Arjun Chakrabarty, Arunima Ghosh, Rudranil Ghosh, Priyanka Mondal, Kamaleshwar Mukherjee, Susmita Saha and more. Set against a rural backdrop, Saheb Bibi Joker, an eight-episode web series, deals with politics, interpersonal relationships, and greed for power. Saheb, aka Surya Sekhar Roy, a prominent and shrewd businessman, funds a particular political party to continue his illegal timber business and acquire all the contracts from the local panchayat samiti. Saheb funds the party to buy out the opposition party’s winning MLA and bring him to their side to maintain the monopoly. Saheb gets married for the second time to Mrinalini after the untimely death of his first wife. Bibi, aka Mrinalini, is a young, vibrant girl who marries Saheb, looking at his majestic and elite lifestyle.
"The story takes a turn when Purnendu Banerjee aka Joker joins as an accountant and develops an extramarital relationship with Bibi. Moti Mondal, the cunning MLA, gets desperate to bring in his own close ally to earn a higher percentage from tenders and slowly attempts to rule out Saheb from the game of power. The party also considers Saheb a burden when the environmental authorities issue a notice against his illegal forest land lease. The opposition party leader, Digambar, observes this tricky situation and plays his trump card at the right time against Saheb," says director Arindam Sil, who adds that the series explores politics of economy and sexuality. The series will stream on the upcoming OTT platform of Camellia Productions.