Actress Janhvi Kapoor recently explored Kochi in Kerala, where she is reportedly shooting for a film. Looking gorgeous in a white sari during her day out in the city, Janhvi visited tourist attractions and posed for sun-kissed photos. Here’s a look.
Photos courtesy: Instagram/ Janhvi Kapoor
Janhvi looked ethereal as she posed for sun-kissed pictures in a white floral print sari. In the photo, the actress effortlessly embraced a fresh, no-makeup look.
The Ulajh actress paid a visit to a church during her day out in Kochi.
Janhvi was caught in a candid moment while exploring the lanes of the city.
Janhvi also visited the Ernakulam Shiva Temple, which was adorned with diyas.
The 27-year-old actress fed an elephant during the trip.
“A day well spent #keraladiaries,” Janhvi captioned her post on Instagram.
Janhvi is currently filming for Tushar Jalota’s upcoming film Param Sundari. Produced by Dinesh Vijan under the banner Maddock Films, the movie also stars Sidharth Malhotra.