Haseen Dillruba actor Harshvardhan Rane was the star guest at the recent launch of Tasva’s first flagship store in Patna. The brand is a collaboration between Aditya Birla Fashion & Retail Ltd and master designer Tarun Tahiliani that was unveiled in 2021 and is marked by TT’s sense of effortless charm. Spread over 7,500sq ft, the collection packs in quite a variety, like kurtas, sherwanis, achkans, Indo-western styles and also accessories like safas, sarpeches, brooches, pocket squares, buttons, sehras, stoles, shawls, and footwear. t2 chatted with Harshvardhan on his style and more.
What did you really like about the Tasva sensibility?
I absolutely love the Tasva sensibility because it effortlessly blends timeless elegance with contemporary style. The meticulous craftsmanship and attention to detail in their menswear reflect a perfect balance of tradition and modernity. The flagship store in Patna is a testament to their commitment to quality and innovation.
What do you like about Tarun Tahiliani’s work?
Tarun Tahiliani’s mastery of blending tradition and innovation is truly captivating. His creations resonate with my own fashion ideology, allowing me to express myself with elegance and flair. It’s a pleasure for me to be associated with a brand that values both heritage and style.
How would you describe your personal style?
My personal style is a dynamic blend of contemporary chic and classic charm. I gravitate towards fashion that exudes confidence and a touch of edginess. Whether on-screen or off, I aim for a look that effortlessly combines trendsetting elements with a nod to tradition. As I step into exciting new projects, my style remains a reflection of bold choices and modern sensibilities.
What’s the one fashion item you are loving a lot right now?
Currently, I’m absolutely obsessed with statement jackets. They add an instant dash of flair to any outfit and are incredibly versatile. Tasva’s collection, curated with Tarun Tahiliani’s artistic touch, offers some outstanding pieces that perfectly align with my style. It’s all about embracing bold choices and expressing individuality, and these jackets are the perfect embodiment of that fashion philosophy.
Have you ever had a crazy fashion phase?
Oh, absolutely! I’ve had my share of adventurous fashion phases. Experimenting with unconventional styles and pushing the boundaries is something I’ve always enjoyed. From bold colours to unconventional cuts, it’s been a journey of self-expression. It’s crucial to have fun with fashion and embrace the eccentric phases that contribute to personal growth and style evolution.
What are you most comfortable in?
I find my utmost comfort in well-tailored traditional kurtas. There’s a certain ease and authenticity in donning them, allowing me to effortlessly blend style with cultural roots.... It’s all about feeling at ease while exuding a sense of cultural connection.
Are you an impulsive shopper?
Not really, I’m a thoughtful shopper. I believe in curating a wardrobe with purpose. Each piece should resonate with my style and have a lasting appeal. It’s about quality over quantity, ensuring every addition to my wardrobe reflects a deliberate choice in fashion.
You have such cool tattoos! Can you tell us what they signify?
Absolutely! Each tattoo tells a unique story. They’re not just ink on skin; they’re a reflection of my journey, experiences, and personal growth. From symbols of resilience to reminders of cherished moments, each tattoo holds sentimental value. These tattoos represent a canvas of memories and meaningful choices, creating a personal narrative that complements my style.
How do you take care of your hair and skin?
Maintaining a healthy routine is key for me. I prioritise natural products for both my hair and skin. Regular grooming, a balanced diet, and staying hydrated are essential. It’s about a holistic approach to health, reflecting the same care and attention I invest in curating my style. It’s about adopting a wholesome lifestyle that complements both inner and outer expressions, ensuring a vibrant and fresh look that complements my overall persona.
Finally, what are your fitness resolutions for 2024?
In 2024, my fitness resolutions revolve around holistic well-being. I aim to cultivate a balanced lifestyle that encompasses physical and mental wellness. It’s not just about rigorous workouts but also mindful practices that promote inner strength. Just as my style evolves, so does my approach to fitness — dynamic, progressive, and always aiming for personal bests. It’s about embracing a journey of health, vitality, and self-discovery, aligning seamlessly with the energy I bring to my work and style.