Team Binodiini Ekti Natir Upakhyan recently got together at Cheap Charlie for the film’s wrap-up party. In Ram Kamal Mukherjee’s film Binodiini Ekti Natir Upakhyan, Rukmini Maitra plays Binodini Dasi, the legendary theatre artiste from Bengal from the 19th century. Produced by Prateek Chakraborty from Pramod Films and Dev from Dev Entertainment Ventures, in association with Assorted Motion Pictures, the film features an ensemble cast of talented actors from Bengal and Mumbai. “It was an emotional journey for me, as I struggled for almost three years to make this dream come true. This wouldn’t have been possible without Rukmini Maitra’s determination and faith. Finally, Dev and Prateek Chakraborty came on board as producers to make this magnum opus. It takes a lot to dream big and make a heroine-centric big-budget movie in Bengal, but if your heart is at the right place, then you can make it possible. Binodiini Ekti Natir Upakhyan will always remain special to me and my entire team. It was a rare sight to see all senior technicians and cast having tears as we called it a wrap on the last day. Everyone felt the vacuum and felt the journey emotionally. It was Dev who decided to throw a party for the entire unit as he felt that after working hard, one must party hard too,” smiled Ram Kamal Mukherjee.