Singer-songwriter Armaan Malik, who recently tied the knot with fiancée Aashna Shroff, has shared pictures from their mehendi ceremony. In an accompanying note, Armaan called the event “the most magical evening alive with laughter and endless cheer, where every song, every smile and every moment, only added to the warmth and love in the air”. Here’s a look at some moments from Armaan and Aashna’s “Mehfil-e-Mehendi", which took place on December 28 last year.
The couple stunned in designer Anamika Khanna’s bespoke wedding ensembles. Armaan looked regal in a black-and-silver sherwani set, intricately embroidered with traditional motifs. Complementing him perfectly, Aashna dazzled in a purple-and-gold lehenga choli adorned with detailed zari work, pearls and crystals.
Aashna accessorised her look with a layered, stone-studded statement necklace, ornate finger rings, bejewelled earrings and a maang tikka. The fashion and beauty blogger flaunted her wavy tresses in the pictures.
The couple beamed with joy during the ceremony. Armaan and Aashna reportedly began dating in 2017. They announced their engagement on August 28, 2023.
Armaan and Aashna raised a toast to their new journey together. Armaan is known for songs such as Wajah Tum Ho, Bol Do Na Zara and Besabriyaan. In 2024, Armaan performed with Ed Sheeran during the latter’s Mumbai concert. The 29-year-old singer had also collaborated with Sheeran on the new version of the British singer's song 2Step.
Armaan and Aashna shared joyful moments during the ceremony, which celebrated their love and togetherness.
A monochrome still captured the couple letting their hair down on the dance floor.
Armaan and Aashna held hands during the ceremony which preceded their close-knit wedding.