Windows has unveiled the teaser of their highly-awaited film, Bohurupi, starring Abir Chatterjee, Ritabhari Chakraborty, Koushani Mukherjee, and Shiboprosad Mukherjee. Directed by Nandita Roy and Shiboprosad Mukherjee, Bohurupi has an innovative approach to storytelling within the action genre.
The teaser offers a glimpse into a riveting narrative set in Bengal, where two formidable adversaries and their loyal accomplices are at the heart of a high-stakes drama. The story unfolds with a gripping mix of bravery, intense challenges, and a dramatic chase that promises to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Themes of love, face-offs, and revenge are interwoven into the fabric of the plot, creating a rich tapestry of emotions and action. With its ambitious storyline and novel approach, Bohurupi is set to make a significant impact and elevate the action drama genre to new heights.
Sharing her experience director Nandita Roy said, “The creation of Bohurupi has been an incredible journey, involving 12 years of meticulous pre-production and 34 intense days of shooting across 84 diverse locations. This film reflects the unwavering dedication and passion of everyone involved. Our goal was to redefine the action drama genre in Bengal, and I’m excited to finally share this epic story with our audience.”
“I am truly grateful to Windows and my co-director Nandita Roy for giving me the opportunity to play Bikram, a central role in the film. This teaser is just the beginning; there is much more to come,” said Shiboprosad.
This new clean-shaven look of Shiboprosad Mukherjee in Bohurupi marks a departure from his previous roles, promising audiences a fresh and dynamic portrayal.
To fully embrace this transformation, Mukherjee committed to an intense regimen of diet and exercise, meticulously sculpting his physique to align with the character’s demands. He chose to forgo prosthetics and heavy make-up, opting instead for a more authentic approach that required substantial effort and discipline. This decision underscores his dedication to delivering a genuine and impactful performance, promising a visually striking and compelling representation of his character.
As anticipation builds for its release this Puja, Bohurupi, with its unique blend of cultural richness, intense drama, and thrilling chase sequences, promises a cinematic spectacle that celebrates the spirit of adventure and intrigue.
“I have put in my utmost effort to embody Bikram’s grand aspirations and dreams. The look holds a special place in my heart; my make-up artist, Papiya, and I engaged in extensive discussions to craft it. We aimed for a design that embraced simplicity, avoiding prosthetics, and instead relied on highlighting the physical features I naturally possess. I wanted the look to reflect authenticity and ease, aligning with the character’s essence while remaining true to my own attributes,” said Shiboprosad.
Bohurupi is a very special film for Ritabhari. “It’s my first time working with Shibuda and Nanditadi under their direction. They have made such wonderful films that have inspired me so much to become an actor and to create roles. I consider myself very, very lucky because the character I ultimately got to portray is one of the most challenging roles I have ever played. It has so many layers and carries such intense internal pain that bringing it to the screen was incredibly challenging. To feel her and bring her struggles to life was not easy. In my previous films, I have portrayed struggles that were moral or societal battles. But this character, Pori, faces an emotional battle, which I have tried to present in the film, and it was extremely challenging. Shibuda and Nanditadi placed their trust in me with this character, and I have tried my best to live up to that and bring Pori to life. Honestly, as I worked on this role, I fell in love with Pori,” said Ritabhari.
Abir plays the role of a cop in the film. He said: “This is my third film with Windows and the interesting thing is that this will be the first time for me in the uniform of a police officer in a Bengali film. My character is a very responsible and dutiful cop. I don’t want to reveal much about the character. All I want is for the story to reach the audience the way we have planned. We have seen time and again that the audience loves watching films during Puja. Last year, my Puja release film, Raktabeej was also under the Windows banner. I must say that Bohurupi is very different compared to other films that have been released on the occasion of Puja earlier.”
Koushani Mukherjee is presented in two distinct avatars that capture the essence of her character’s complexity.
In one look she is adorned with palash flowers, exuding a timeless charm rooted in cultural richness. Contrasting this is her second look, where she appears bold and enigmatic with kohl-rimmed eyes and free-flowing hair, hinting at a deeper narrative and adding layers of intrigue to her persona. With these contrasting yet complementary visuals, the teaser not only teases Jhimli’s duality but also sets the stage for an enthralling cinematic journey filled with action, drama, and suspense.
The juxtaposition of the traditional and the contemporary in Jhimli’s appearance not only reflects the film’s thematic depth but also underscores its commitment to offering a fresh perspective on action-packed narratives.
“Working with such veterans like Nanditadi and Shibuda was overwhelming. I felt tense and nervous, but they quickly made me comfortable. Jhimli is special as my first Windows project with such a character I’ve never portrayed before. I’ve put in extensive effort for Bohurupi, and I’m confident that audiences will love this new side of me,” said Koushani.