Atanu Ghosh’s film Binisutoy has travelled to various international film festivals, and has already been hailed for its unique and unusual storyline, detailing and memorable performances. The much-feted Binisutoy, starring Jaya Ahsan, Ritwick Chakraborty, Chandreyee Ghosh, Koushik Sen among others, releases today in theatres. A candid chat...
What was the starting point of Binisutoy?
Years back, I met a man who confessed to doing something weird with strangers. I cannot tell you what made his act weird. That would divulge the plot of the film. But interestingly, the man told me he did not have any creepy intentions. He only aimed to create an alternate world of subsistence for himself and the stranger — a world over which he had absolute control. He wanted to strike a bond of empathy and trust with the stranger. That engaged him! My focus was to explore the belief that experiences of life serve as the ultimate source of sustenance, realisation and serenity.
Two people in their mid-thirties meet at a reality game show audition. The common background helps them to strike up a quick bond. How did you arrive at the idea for the premise?
After meeting the man, I was left excited with the idea for years together and could not cook up a plot out of it. And then suddenly one day, the idea came in a flash watching a reality game show on television!
Why the reality game show?
Reality game shows aim to show how ordinary people behave in everyday life, or in specific situations like facing a crisis, struggling to reach a goal etc. The end objective of a reality game show has always been to make viewers believe that something genuine is unfolding on screen. Sometimes that is the case, but not always. But beyond its primary purpose of offering pleasure, diversion, and amusement to its viewers, reality shows can also provide deep insight and meaning about life and the psyche of human beings. The plotline of Binisutoy takes a cue from that and explores a similar analogy within the story. So, it is a fun game involving reality, which, in turn, offers a perspective about life.
What is Binisutoy all about?
You have completed another day of your life. But something is missing. You have paid all current EMIs, got a promotion last month. Your children are in the best schools. But something is still missing. Why on earth do we feel that something is missing in our life? Is it because our life is just like all others? Mundane. Ordinary. Typical. Perhaps such feelings drive us to decide on trying out something extraordinary. We take a vow to make something exceptional out of our unexceptional life. Precisely that is what Binisutoy aims to explore — the urge to try living differently through some strange pattern of existence that would bring fulfilment and perhaps some meaning to our life.
Why the name Binisutoy?
Translated, Binisutoy means no strings attached. In Binisutoy, whatever happens between Kajal and Sraboni have no conditions imposed on them. Obviously, the two people do not expect anything in return except a life-changing experience.
Does the film touch on the theme of loneliness? Is it about two people trying to form a connection?
Absolutely. The loneliness and barrenness of privileged urban life come under the scanner in Binisutoy. It tries to find out why two strangers are trying to form a connection through a strange quest to touch the core of the unknown.
Tell us about Kajal and Sraboni. How would you describe them?
One needs to have a lot of guts, a lot of willpower and a lot of zest for life to pursue an extraordinary life. Kajal Sarkar (Ritwick Chakraborty ) and Sraboni Barua (Jaya Ahsan) are two strangers who try living a different life after they meet at the audition of a reality game show. Through some strange turn of events, the journey of these two people ends up turning into an engaging drama.
Why cast Ritwick and Jaya?
I was always eager to put Ritwick and Jaya together — undoubtedly two of the most brilliantly sensitive performers of present times.
What are their strengths as artistes?
Film acting is a form of communication. It is like striking an intense relationship with another person on an emotional level. Vincent Van Gogh’s art inspires actors because he put the most meaningful ingredient into his paintings — that is, himself! Good actors define themselves by their art, so do brilliant film actors. They communicate through their innermost soul. Both Ritwick and Jaya can bare their deepest feelings and emotions before the camera. It’s not that they have a similar approach to acting. Yet they can effortlessly create magic by being hauntingly real.
How was your shooting experience?
Fantastic. Apart from Ritwick and Jaya, the film has outstanding performers like Chandreyee Ghosh, Koushik Sen, Reshmi Sen, Kheya Chattopadhyay, Samamtyak Dyuti Maitra and Krishnakishore Mukherjee. They have done wonders in their respective roles. Besides, it was the first time I teamed up with a very young and gifted cinematographer from Kerala, Appu Prabhakar, a National Awardee. It was great working with him.
How important were the locations for this film?
I am always fussy about locations. I believe they are one of the critical pillars in a film. Choosing the appropriate space could make or break your storytelling but discovering the right one is tedious and time-consuming. In Binisutoy, many of the locations have absorbing architecture and lend a fascinating layer of meaning to the storytelling process.
The film has travelled to various film festivals. How has the reception been there?
Quite good. It premiered at the Kerala International Film Festival and went to many prestigious festivals like River to River, Talhouse, Hawaii, Madrid and others. It featured among the 10 best Indian films at the FIPRESCI India Grand Prix 2019, and that list included some of the most sensational films of recent times like Bombay Rose, Chola, Article 15, etc. Binisutoy got two awards at the Aurangabad International Film Festival — Best Screenplay and Best Music.