Aparna Sen’s film Ghawre Bairey Aaj, starring Jisshu Sengupta, Anirban Bhattacharya and Tuhina Das, turned three this November. Ghawre Bairey Aaj is a modern adaptation of Rabindranath Tagore’s iconic novel Ghare Baire. For Tuhina, it was a turning point in her career.
Of course, Ghawre Bairey Aaj was a dream come true for me. To get to play Bimala, that too for someone like Aparna Sen, is something I know many actors don’t have the fortune of. The film will always have a special place in my heart,” says Tuhina.
How does she look back on the film now? “I look back on it with a fondness like none other. Ghawre Bairey Aaj was an eye-opening experience, so it’s really difficult to point out something particular. But yes, from a nostalgic perspective, the first day at shoot was indeed special,” says Tuhina.
The film gave Tuhina “recognition, admiration and most importantly respect”. “For a young girl in the city with no connections or friends in the industry to bag that role changed the very same industry’s perspective towards me forever. I still consider myself an outsider given my lack of partyhopping (laughs)... but yes the film did bring about a seachange in my life,” she says.
How was it like working with Aparna Sen? “How do I even say it without this sounding like a love letter? It was more than a dream-come-true scenario. From the moment she chose me till this day, Rinadi remains my mentor, my guide and, most importantly, my friend, and I, her Binnie,” smiles Tuhina.