5 best Jack and Rose moments from James Cameron’s Titanic

The romantic drama completes 25 years of its release on December 19

Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet in Titanic

Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet in Titanic IMDb

Smera Marcia Toppo
Published 19.12.22, 03:27 PM

Star-crossed lovers Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Rose (Kate Winslet) in James Cameron’s Titanic stole our hearts with their budding romance, social norms-defying passion, vulnerability and tragic end. We pick five most heartfelt moments of Jack and Rose together, right from their first awkward meeting to the dream that takes their love story to the realm of eternity.


The awkward first meeting

Young American socialite Rose, the fiance of the aristocrat Billy Zane (Cal Hockley), meets witty commoner Jack aboard RMS Titanic. As Rose attempts to jump aboard, Jack talks her down telling her about the freezing temperature of the Atlantic Ocean. As he brings her over the railings, the two make introductions to each other, but at that very moment Rose slips and almost falls over. She is saved by Jack’s gallantry and thus begins their tragic love story.

The first dance

After a less-than-charming dinner with Rose’s aristocratic family, Jack invites her to a real party with passengers of the lower strata. Jack helps Rose dance with all the others as a bagpipe plays on. The two compete in a dance off and show off their tap dance moves, resulting in a charming dance sequence between the lovers from two very different backgrounds.

The iconic railing scene

The iconic railing scene of Jack and Rose at the helm of the ship has become part of cinema history. As the Celine Dion song My Heart Will Go On plays, Jack helps Rose step up the railing of the ship with her eyes closed. As the two establish an unbreakable bond, Rose opens her eyes to see the beautiful blue ocean and exclaims, “I’m flying!” The much-in-love couple share their first kiss at the helm of the Titanic.

“Draw me like one of your French girls”

After showing Jack the Hope diamond, Rose asks him to draw a portrait of her with nothing except the necklace on. The memorable scene gave birth to one of the most popular dialogues from the film, “Jack, I want you to draw me like one of your French girls.” The dialogue became so popular that it found itself ingrained in popular meme culture.

The dream that never was

The end of the film shows the older version of Rose falling asleep only to dream of the Titanic like it had never drowned. As Rose walks through the halls of the ship, she is greeted by the ship’s crew and passengers she had met through her lover. A charming Jack stands on top of the stairs, ready for Rose, as the two meet again — this time to start their journey together after death. The scene immediately immortalises the love story of Rose and Jack.

Titanic Kate Winslet Leonardo DiCaprio James Cameron 25 Years Of Titanic Jack And Rose
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