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Amethi farmer shares his thoughts on how life has changed over the 10 years of PM Modi’s reign

PM Modi File picture

Piyush Srivastava
Published 15.05.24, 11:15 AM

Mobin Ahmad, a farmer, can be spotted at a tea stall along the Amethi-Ayodhya Highway any afternoon, feverishly discussing politics. Locals say he is the leading voice in any gathering in the area with political talk in the air. Irrespective of caste or religion, most villagers like Ahmad for his clarity of thought

Name: Mobin Ahmad


Age: 59

Profession: Farmer

Education: Matriculation

Family: Wife, five sons and three daughters. All are married

Place: Sri Ram Ganj

Constituency: Amethi

Profession in 2014, 2019: Farming

Did you vote in 2014, 2019: Yes

Did Modi deliver on his promise of acche din: No

Why not: He shed all political decorum and created a huge divide between Hindus and Muslims

What is the single biggest change that has taken place since 2014: A section of Hindus and Muslims hate each other more than before. There is political poison in our atmosphere

What is the one issue you would like changed now: The government’s attitude towards democracy. It must distribute an affidavit to the people that it will not touch the Constitution at any cost

What he wants from new govt: To look at every citizen equally and not provoke people against each other

What he doesn’t want from new govt: Use central agencies against political rivals

Amethi votes on May 20

PM Narendra Modi Amethi Farmer Development
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