Tips to help you remember

The brain collects information in clusters. So if you group similar pieces of information together, you are more likely to remember

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Shivani Manchanda
Published 12.10.21, 12:20 AM

I can’t memorise anything. As a result, my scores in subjects such as chemistry are getting worse. Can you tell me how to improve my ability to mug up?

Name withheld


As a student, memory becomes extremely important as learning, memorising and recalling are requirements when you are being judged during examinations. There are several things you can do to improve your memory:

Study in a room where there is either steady ambient sound or none at all. A quiet room allows you to focus and pay attention to what you are studying. However, some people focus better if there is music playing in the background. If you are one of those, play the music of your choice while you study. If you are in a place where you cannot control the noise around you, for example in a hostel, then you could consider investing in earphones to block out the noise.

Study consistently and regularly instead of trying to cram everything into short bursts of intense learning. Regular study allows your brain to rest between sessions and gradually create the neural networks that help you absorb information. Cramming the night before is a sure way for the information to eventually slip out of your memory.

The brain collects information in clusters. So if you group similar pieces of information together, you are more likely to remember. Chunking or clustering is also the reason why making notes, flow charts and flashcards help you to remember better.

Study the same information in different formats. Read subject books prescribed for different boards as it gives you an opportunity to study very similar information presented in different ways.

You can make it easier to memorise chemistry by using mnemonic techniques. If you are memorising the periodic tables, try and make a story out of it. Plus, write the information on post-it notes and stick them around your room or in your cupboard where you will see them multiple times every day.

Associating a term or a symbol with fun meanings can help make learning fun and easier. For every alphabet you are trying to remember, think of a word that starts with those alphabets. Then make a story using those words. Remembering a story is much easier that remembering the extremely dry periodic table.

Shivani Manchanda has master’s degrees in career counselling and child development. She has been counselling about opportunities in India and abroad since 1991. Mail your queries to telegraphyou@ with Ask Shivani in the subject line

Memory Examination
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