The picturesque West Elm store in Gurgaon looks like a space lived in. Warm and cosy with a minimal charm. The launch event was hosted by designers Shivan Bhatiya and Narresh Kukreja who also put together an exclusive edit with West Elm products. The Telegraph chatted with Puneet Behal, senior vice president at Reliance Brands Limited and country head for West Elm in India, about the global design home retailer’s Gurgaon store, pandemic trends and tips to make your space ideal for work from home.
Congratulations on the new store! Can you give us a glimpse of the curation?
Thank you so much. It’s been an absolutely rewarding few months since we launched our flagship store in Gurgaon, and I’m very grateful. West Elm, as we know it, globally takes the mantle of modern home furniture and furnishing designs that are responsibly made. Our curation is a reflection of the lifestyle West Elm promises — easy and forward-thinking, modern yet evergreen. You experience the tune through everything — the furniture, the planters, the rugs, take your pick.
What was the curation by Shivan & Narresh like?
This synergy was effortless. Shivan & Narresh are aesthetes by design, and advocates for contemporary living. We knew their eclectic eye would bode well with our end consumers, so all we did is facilitate the selection process for them, through this hand-picked edit. The duo curated a living room by picking their favourite styles from West Elm — and it turned out very well.
Homes have become massive in the last two years. What have been the major trends?
Home offices — that would be the top trend for me this year, and I think for years to come. People have gravitated towards multifunctional workstations since the pandemic, and regardless of the pandemic, that trend is here to stay.
What have you sold most during the pandemic?
From West Elm’s point of view, everything sold. But if you asked me to pick bestsellers, I would say three home improvement areas stood out more — a home office, entertainment and garden. Within entertainment, we saw barware and dinnerware take precedence over the rest, as people take pride in hosting at home. For those who have the space for a garden and inclination to groom one, our planters, faux plants and botanicals filled the void.