Use this time for self-care

Beauty and hair management are the easiest ways to look after yourself

Hydrate your skin regularly Shutterstock

Ishrat Ansar
Published 06.08.20, 05:49 AM

Staying at home during this lockdown has given us all a great opportunity to switch up our skincare routine. Beauty and hair care are also the easiest forms of self-care, a way of maintaining your mental health in times of uncertainty. Hoping that these lockdown beauty tips will help you get there.

Repair your skin


Remember that a lot of your skin health is genetic. But that doesn’t mean you can’t help it a bit.

1. Follow a proper cleansing routine even if you’re at home all day. Cleanse once in the morning and once at night. If you’re wearing sunscreen (which you should be), double cleanse in the evening (with two cleansers or use your favourite one twice) to make sure you get rid of every layer on your face.

2. Hydrate your skin regularly. If your face feels tight immediately after a shower, it means your skin is dehydrated. It’s not solved with a moisturiser, which adds a layer to seal in the goodies on your skin but doesn’t penetrate enough to hydrate. Instead, make sure you drink at least 2 litres of water a day. If you have any skincare product with hyaluronic acid as one of the ingredients, use it lavishly. A spritz of cooling face mist also helps.

3. Be intuitive about your skin — not everyone needs a detailed skincare routine. And your routine need not look the same every day. Your skin might need a moisturiser on some nights and some nights you might feel you don’t need anything at all.

4. Remember that not all natural ingredients are safe for you just because they are natural. Stick to combinations and products that you have tried before. This is not the time to experiment since you won’t be able to rush to your doctor if your skin suddenly breaks out.

5. Sunscreen is imperative — it’s proven to be the most effective protection against the sun to prevent spots, pigmentation and wrinkles. If you’re indoors all day, the sun’s ultraviolet rays still come in through the windows.

Pick a sunscreen that has both UVA and UVB protection.

Take care of your hair

Without regular blow-drying, straightening or curling, your hair should already be better than before. But keep in mind that your hair condition can get worse if you neglect the stress that summer heat and sweat add to it. The ideal hair care routine doesn’t just require oiling, hair wash, and conditioning. Shampoo your scalp and condition your hair 2-3 times a week. Comb your conditioner through and after your shower, apply your choice of serum. Always pat dry with a micro-fibre towel, or a plain cotton T-shirt. This prevents hair breakage.

You can also deep condition your hair once a week to keep the frizz at bay and strengthen your hair follicles. Oil your hair once a week, but avoid keeping the oil on for longer than a few hours.

Stay beautiful with self-care

It’s best to look at these dark times with a positive mindset, and not only entertain ourselves with various hobbies but also to take care of our minds and bodies. Use this lockdown to improve your skin, hair and body.

The columnist manages Ishrat’s Hair & Skin Studio, Lord Sinha Road, Calcutta. Contact @ishratansar

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