Short suits and male midriff

For men: The spring 2022 menswear season showed a lot of skin: plunging necklines, short shorts, cropped tops, bare midriff, exposed chest

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The Telegraph
Published 15.07.21, 02:01 AM

The hemline is going up. For men. The spring 2022 menswear season showed a lot of skin: plunging necklines, short shorts, cropped tops, bare midriff, exposed chest. Prada, Etro, Fendi, all are doing it, says Vogue. “Thighs came out at Prada, then the chests at Etro, and then the male midriff at Fendi…”, at which point the writer begins predicting “a hot, hot, hedonist summer”.

In this part of the world the summer is hot, hot, though not so hedonist so far. But would we mind a cropped suit in the boardroom?

Or a glimpse of a toned body at a party? No! It’s time men liberated themselves from rigidity, also of clothes!

Clothing Fashion
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