
Exam Season: 5 tips to take care of your eyes and prevent eye strain

Dr. Harish Pathak
Dr. Harish Pathak
Posted on 25 Feb 2023
11:18 AM

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India is now in the midst of its exam season, and with the increased study time comes a risk of eye problems
Studying in overly bright or dimly lit environments can cause eye strain and discomfort

India is now in the midst of its exam season, and with the increased study time comes a risk of eye problems. As an ophthalmologist, I see a lot of patients who experience eye strain, dry eyes, and other vision problems during exam season, and it's more important than ever to take steps to protect your eyes.

Here are five tips to protect your eyes during this time:

  • Take frequent breaks

Taking frequent breaks is essential for keeping your eyes healthy during exam season. When you study for long periods without a break, your eyes become fatigued and strained. To avoid this, try to take a break of at least 5 minutes every 20 minutes of study time. During this break, you can rest your eyes, move around a bit, and get some fresh air. Using the 20-20-20 rule can help to prevent this problem. The rule says that for every 20 minutes spent looking at a screen, a person should look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

  • Adjust your lighting

Studying in overly bright or dimly lit environments can cause eye strain and discomfort. Ideally, you should study in a well-lit room with ambient lighting that is easy on the eyes. If you are studying at night, avoid harsh fluorescent lights and instead opt for soft, warm lighting.

  • Use eye drops

Dry eyes are a common problem during exam season. Using eye drops can help keep your eyes moist and comfortable, reducing the risk of dryness, redness, and irritation. Keep a bottle of eye drops handy while you study, and use them whenever your eyes feel dry or uncomfortable. Do note, please check with an ophthalmologist before using any eye drops.

  • Get your eyes tested

Before exams, it's a good idea to get your eyes tested. Even if you already wear glasses or contact lenses, your prescription may have changed since your last exam. By getting your eyes tested, you can ensure that you have the correct prescription, reducing the risk of vision problems during exams. Additionally, if you experience any vision problems during study time, you should seek medical attention right away.

  • Get enough sleep

Getting enough sleep is crucial for keeping your eyes and mind rested during exam season. Lack of sleep can cause eye fatigue and strain, making it difficult to focus during exams. To avoid this, try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night. This will not only help keep your eyes healthy, but it will also improve your overall cognitive function.

Exam season can be a stressful time for students, but by taking simple steps to protect your eyes, you can avoid vision problems and perform your best. Remember to take breaks, adjust your lighting, use eye drops as instructed, get your eyes tested, and get enough sleep to keep your eyes and mind healthy. Good luck with your exams!

About the author: Dr. Harish Pathak is a Senior Consulting Ophthalmologist, ASG Eye Hospitals, Dombivli. He has special interest in the subspeciality of Oculoplastics & Reconstructive Surgery and Strabismus which includes disorders of the eyelid, lacrimal system and orbit and Squints. He is one of the few Oculoplastic Surgeons in India and has vast surgical experience (both cosmetic and corrective) whose services are sought not only in Mumbai but all over Maharashtra and other parts of the country.

Last updated on 25 Feb 2023
19:25 PM
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