Xaverian Debating Festival

Xaverian Debating Festival: An excellent intra-college debate competition at SXC, Kolkata

Our Correspondent
Our Correspondent
Posted on 22 Feb 2023
12:24 PM
Xaverian Debating Festival 2023

Xaverian Debating Festival 2023 St. Xavier's College, Kolkata

After 4 years, the walls of the college echoed with enthralling perspectives on sensational subjects on the 11th and 12th of February, 2023 as 12 competent teams fought for one glorious trophy
The winners were awarded in two categories: Best Team and Best Adjudicator. The winners of XDF’23 were the team comprising Kunal Bhattacharyya and Puruvi Bourai

A two-day intra-college debate competition, The Xaverian Debating Festival, conducted by the Xaverian Debating Society of St. Xavier’s College(Autonomous), Kolkata turned out to be a resounding success. After 4 years, the walls of the college echoed with enthralling perspectives on sensational subjects on the 11th and 12th of February, 2023 as 12 competent teams fought for one glorious trophy.

Participants in action at the Xavierian Debating Festival

Participants in action at the Xavierian Debating Festival St. Xavier's College, Kolkata

Question raised by a participant during the debate session

Question raised by a participant during the debate session St. Xavier's College, Kolkata

The winners were awarded in two categories: Best Team and Best Adjudicator. The winners of XDF’23 were the team comprising Kunal Bhattacharyya and Puruvi Bourai. The runners-up team comprised Yash Tulsian, Riya Jain, and Krishay Choudhary. The best adjudicator award was given to Aashi Agarwal while Adrija Banerjee was declared the second-best adjudicator.

The convener of the NUJS debating society and an accomplished debater with several tournament wins, Abhirup Manna was the Core Adjudicator at Xaverian Debating Festival 2023. He graced the event with his valuable presence. Hamed Aziz Safwi, an accomplished debater who is also an alumnus of the college was the Invited Adjudicator at the event. Hamed bolstered The Xaverian Debating Society and led it to several victories.


The tournament could only be possible due to the combined efforts of Ishaan Sengupta, the Secretary of XDS, Ayushi Dutta, Assistant Secretary of XDS, the St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Kolkata Students’ Council and the Core Committee and Working Committee Members of the Xaverian Debating Society. The society functions smoothly under the valuable guidance of its president, Rev. Fr. Dr. Dominic Savio, SJ. and the Deputy President, Dr. Zaid Al Baset.

With the dedication and perseverance of the members of the society, the Xaverian Debating Society now looks forward to conducting XDF on a larger scale in the coming years.

The runners-up team comprised Yash Tulsian, Riya Jain, and Krishay Choudhary

The runners-up team comprised Yash Tulsian, Riya Jain, and Krishay Choudhary St. Xavier's College, Kolkata

The Core Team of Xaverian Debating Festival 2023

The Core Team of Xaverian Debating Festival 2023 St. Xavier's College, Kolkata

Last updated on 22 Feb 2023
12:24 PM
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