Campus Story

Swachhata Pakhwada campaign organised in Oxford Public School

Our Correspondent
Our Correspondent
Posted on 18 Sep 2023
11:49 AM

The Academic Director of the school, Dr Simi Mehta reminded all the students to follow the advice of not using plastic items, promote and practice cleanliness in service and make people aware of cleanliness in their neighbourhood too
The main objective of this ongoing campaign is to create awareness about cleanliness amongst the students

The awareness campaign of 'Swachhata Pakhwada' is organised in Oxford Public School. The main objective of this ongoing campaign is to create awareness about cleanliness amongst the students.

On this occasion, in the school auditorium, the students gave the message of cleanliness and service through slogans and placards related to cleanliness and stopping the use of plastic. They ensured their participation towards the cause of a Swachh Bharat by our Honorable Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi. All the students made a firm decision to be an integral part of this campaign.

Arya Raj of class 12, also the cultural secretary of the school, administered the oath of cleanliness to the students. Hindi teacher of the school, Mr Sanjay Kumar Pandey, while expressing his views on the importance of cleanliness in front of the students, gave the message that one has to start cleanliness by first keeping oneself clean.


If any person starts staying clean mentally and physically then the dirt will automatically disappear from society at large. Reminding the students of the Prime Minister's dream of a clean India, he asserted that in the world context, making our country the first one for cleanliness should be our priority.

The Academic Director of the school, Dr Simi Mehta reminded all the students to follow the advice of not using plastic items, promote and practice cleanliness in service and make people aware of cleanliness in their neighbourhood too. She said that only through cleanliness can the environment be made pure, and balanced and many deadly diseases can also be avoided.

Since plastic and the materials made from it never get destroyed, it is a big threat to our environment and is also the cause of many fatal diseases. Therefore, it is our moral responsibility to immediately ban plastic. She also added that on this occasion, let us all pledge to include cleanliness in our daily routine and cooperate in building a clean India.

The Academic Coordinator of the school, Mr Ravi Shekhar laid emphasis on the importance of cleanliness and suggested to the students that we need to be clean both physically and mentally, only then the bright future of the country can be expected.

On this occasion CCA Incharge Mr Nabarun Sengupta, Examination Incharge Mr. A. K Srivastava, the teachers along the entire school family were present.

Last updated on 18 Sep 2023
11:50 AM
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