Loreto Day School, Elliot Road

Loreto Day School, organises silent march to raise awareness against cleanliness and hygiene

Our Correspondent
Our Correspondent
Posted on 11 Nov 2022
17:02 PM
Loreto Day School, Elliot Road Campus

Loreto Day School, Elliot Road Campus Source: Loreto Day School

11 November, 2022 was an exciting day for Loreto Day School, Elliot Road girls
The school thanks Park Street Police Station and the traffic police to help them achieve their goal

11 November, 2022 was an exciting day for Loreto Day School Elliot Road. The social service cell, LTSers and the school Student Council went on a silent march on Elliot Road to bring about an awareness among the people of the locality on cleanliness and hygiene.

This initiative was the brainchild of the school principal, Sr Clara. The school neighborhood is dirty and unclean. Despite letters being dispatched to the Counsellor, nothing has improved.

The school girls under the guidance of their teachers thought of posters on the topic and decided to make the banners in Urdu, Hindi, Bengali and English.

Students with their principal

Students with their principal Source: Loreto Day School

These banners were taken and showcased throughout the March. The March not only had teachers but students and was led from the front by the school Principal.

The response received by the neighborhood was quite good with passersby and residents stopping to read and encourage the students with many openly agreeing with the idea that at present the cleanliness and Hygiene factor is at its low and needs immediate attention.

The school thanks Park Street Police Station and the traffic police to help them achieve their goal. The students look forward to their efforts not going in vain.

Last updated on 12 Nov 2022
09:27 AM
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