18 Under 18 Awards

Making waves like an all-rounder, 18 under 18 winner Shreyansh Vikas Mishra speaks his mind

Aditi Gupta
Aditi Gupta
Posted on 06 May 2023
14:12 PM
18 under 18 winner Shreyansh Vikas Mishra

18 under 18 winner Shreyansh Vikas Mishra Source: Edugraph

This 16-year-old kid from Bhubaneshwar has received several awards in the field of sports, academics and technology, including the Inspire Awards - Manak. 
Shreyansh has made a name for himself at science fairs, maths, science and cyberspace olympiads along with, winning essay competitions and excelling in sports.

What does it take to be called a talented kid? Maybe excelling in sports, studies, or performing arts. Well, Shreyansh has done it all and has left no stone unturned when it comes to showcasing his skills.

Quite possibly a child prodigy, this 16-year-old kid from Bhubaneshwar has received several awards in the field of sports, academics and technology, including the Inspire Awards - Manak.

Speaking about his experience of being one of the 18 under 18 winners, Shreyansh says, “It was definitely a great experience winning the competition, it has provided me with a bright scope to work hard in science, astronomy, technology as well as the AI sector.”


Inspired by how Tesla has integrated mechanical aspects and artificial intelligence in the same domain, Shreyansh wants to be geared up for working in an industry where his love for coding and software development can be in one place. “Currently, I am focusing more on innovations in the future, and looking forward to working on new projects,” said Shreyansh.

Additionally, he has made a name for himself at science fairs, maths, science and cyberspace olympiads along with, winning essay competitions and excelling in sports. It is no doubt that he has been recognised as the top talent in the country by the Unified Council of India.

“The projects and the awards that I have won in the last 3 years, have given me a confidence boost to go forward in the same sector. Initially, six years ago I had no award, but I thought of gaining the experience and learning. Now, that I am getting awards, I am being able to network and get to know more people, just by going through the competition. This has helped me in expanding my mental reach into these fields,” said Shreyansh.

Speaking about his aspirations, he says “My current goal is to work in the AI and technology sector, I feel like Artificial Intelligence is the future since I am interested in mechanical engineering as well, so might work in the integration of AI and mechanical engineering,” he concluded. The Telegraph Online Edugraph wishes Shreyansh the best of luck in his future endeavours!

Last updated on 06 May 2023
14:12 PM
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