Semester system for classes I to V at government and aided primary schools

The state primary education board has decided to introduce a semester system at the government and aided primary schools (Classes I to V) from January 2025.
The president of the board, Gautam Paul, announced on Friday.
Under the system, an academic year will be split into two semesters.
The decision to introduce the system at the primary level came months after the state higher secondary council introduced the system in plus-II courses dividing it into four semesters from the 2024-25 academic year.
Under the new system, the primary students will now be assessed through six examinations — a combination of formative and summative assessments — over the semesters.
There will be two formative tests carrying 20 marks each comprising of project works in a semester. This will be followed by summative (pen and paper) tests carrying 60 marks in a semester.
In the existing system, the students would be assessed through three examinations — two formative and one summative — in a year.
“There were no uniform pattern assessments in schools. Schools would carry out assessments on their own. But now the board is introducing a uniform structure for assessment,” said Paul.
In the pen-and-paper exam, the board will introduce analytical questions, multiple-choice questions and objective questions.
“Analytical questions will enhance the thinking and writing ability among students. We have to develop the cognitive skills at the primary level," Paul told Metro.
Board secretary Partha Karmakar said that the duration of the first semester in each class would be from January 2 to June 30.
"The second semester will be from July 1 to December 31," he said.