ministry of education

Young Authors' Conference 2023: An event organised by MoE; Check major details inside

Our Correspondent
Our Correspondent
Posted on 12 Apr 2023
10:09 AM

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The conference's overall theme is "Civilizational Dialogue Among the SCO Member Nations - Perspectives from Young Scholars," with subthemes of "Economy," "Religion," "Culture," "Literature," and "Science and Medicine"
It is a dynamic platform to explore the avenues of modern education, training and advanced training of youth, wider involvement in entrepreneurial activities and innovative projects

On April 12, 13, and 14 in conjunction with the SCO Summit 2023, the Ministry of Education (MoE) will host the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Young Authors' Conference (YAC). The occasion will take place in New Delhi.

The conference's overall theme is "Civilizational Dialogue Among the SCO Member Nations - Perspectives from Young Scholars," with subthemes of "Economy," "Religion," "Culture," "Literature," and "Science and Medicine." The National Book Trust will serve as the conference's implementing organisation under the direction of the Ministry of Education.

A statement from the organisation said that the two-day SCO Young Authors' Conference would offer a "dynamic platform to explore the avenues of modern education, training and advanced training of youth, wider involvement in entrepreneurial activities and innovative projects."


A broad policy framework for the engagement of the youth power of the SCO member states was established during the joint address of the heads of the organisation for youth held in 2018 in order to channel them into a creative and productive path that enables a better global understanding and dialogue.

An intergovernmental body called the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) was established on June 15, 2001, in Shanghai. Currently, there are eight member states of the SCO. (India, Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan).

Last updated on 12 Apr 2023
10:09 AM
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