West Bengal Police Lady Constable Recruitment Exam Date Announced! Check All details

The West Bengal Police Recruitment Board has announced the date of the Final Written Examination for recruitment to the position of Lady Constable in West Bengal Police -2023. The exam will be held on Janury 21, 2024.
The recruitment board will be issuing the e-admit card of the exam on January 10, 2024 at the official website of the Police Recruitment Board at prb.wb.gov.in and wbpolice.gov.in. Candidates will be able to download their admit card by providing their Application Serial Number and Date of birth.
The Police Recruitment Board has also advised the candidates appearing in the examination to follow the instructions provided in the Admit Card and visit the websites of West Bengal Police Recruitment Board and West Bengal Police on a regular basis.
Candidates will have to produce the print out of the e-admit card at their alloted exam venues along with original identity proof.
Mobile phones, Bluetooth Enabled Hearing device, portable scanners, digital wrist watches including smart watches, calculators or any other material for cheating are strictly prohibited. Strict legal action will be taken against those found in possession at the time of entry or use during the course of the test.
Candidates must also note that wearing of high heeled footwear is also prohibited.
How to download Admit Card?
Step 1: Visit the official website of West Bengal Police wbpolice.gov.in
Step 2: Look for the Admit card link under the recruitment tab
Step 3: Enter Application number and date of birth
Step 4: Your admit card will be displayed before you
Step 5: Download the admit card and take a print out
Do not forget to carry the admit card to the examination centre on the day of the exam.