UGC: Guidelines for credit-based course on pedagogical aspects for Divyajans, SLDs

The University Grants Commission (UGC) has drafted guidelines on “Credit-based course on pedagogical aspects for teaching Divyanjans and Specific Learning Disabilities (SLDs)” to address learning styles, and needs of students with disabilities. The Commission has asked for feedback on the guidelines from universities, students, and all concerned by 25 October on the University Activity Monitoring Portal (UAMP) –
The guidelines have been prepared keeping in view the significant recommendations of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 towards teaching of Divyangjans and SLDs, UGC said.
A statement of UGC said, “With the flexibility in selection of subjects and courses, an inclusive pedagogy characterized by the use of multiple modes of delivery, addressing multiple learning styles and learning needs of Divyangjans and students with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLDs), needs to be promoted at all levels of education.”
The Commission stated that the NEP 2020 emphasises equity and inclusion as the cornerstone of all educational decisions particularly to see that all students are able to thrive in the education system. “This signifies the inevitability of redefining the curriculum, keeping pace with the liberalisation and globalisation in education to allow the students irrespective of any diversity including students with disabilities with an easy mode of mobility to various educational institutions with the facility of credit transfer,” it added.
The Commission further added that the evaluation of credit system needs to build an educational programme by attaching credits to its components which are based on different factors such as course load, learning outcomes and contact hours for teaching and learning.