JEECUP counselling 2023 round 7, 8 schedule for diploma in engineering out

The schedule for the engineering diploma rounds 7 and 8 of the Uttar Pradesh Joint Entrance Examination (JEECUP) has been released by the Uttar Pradesh Joint Entrance Examination Council. Starting tomorrow, the JEECUP round 7 diploma in engineering option filling opportunity will be available on the official website,
On November 1, the diploma in engineering academic session will start. Students were advised by the council to complete the selections for each step. They will also be able to edit and change the options that have already been filled in.
Only the government support centers and state-aided polytechnic schools will be able to verify documents for rounds 7 and 8 of the JEECUP diploma in engineering. Applicants may apply for the extra round of counseling if they took the Joint Entrance Examination in 2023 and were not given a seat until round 6.
JEECUP Counselling 2023: Important Dates for Round 7
JEECUP Counselling 2023: Important Dates for Round 8