SSC Recruitment 2023: Five exams gets cancelled; know major details inside

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) had cancelled recruitment of five exams whose notifications have been announced recently. In the latest announcements released on 7 February 2023, the SSC has canceled five exams due to administrative reasons. The exam cancellation announcement has been announced on the official website of SSC -
The exams which have been canceled by SSC are Surveyor (NW10222), Cleaner (NW10322) and Foreman (NW10422), Operator Drilling (NW11421), Draftsman (NW11221), Driller-cum-Mechanic (NW11021) and Technical Operator Drilling (NW10320).
The examination authority has only cited the administrative reasons for all the SSC canceled exams. In the notification, there are no specific reasons cited for exam cancellation.
SSC Exam Cancelled List:
Post of Surveyor (NW10222), Cleaner (NW10322) and Foreman (NW10422)
Technical Operator (Drilling), NW11421 in Phase IX/2021 Selection Posts
Post of Draftsman, NW11221 advertised in Phase IX/2021 Selection Posts
Post of Driller-cum-Mechanic, NW11021 advertised in Phase IX/2021 Selection Posts
Post of Technical Operator (Drilling), NW10320 Phase VIII/2020 Selection Posts
Meanwhile, SSC has released the SSC CGL Tier II and SSC CHSL exam schedule. As per the notification, the SSC CGL Tier II exam is scheduled to be held from 2 to 7 March 2023 while the SSC CHSL Tier I exam will be held from 9 to 21 March 2023.