PUMDET 2023 admit card issued at wbjeeb.in, Know how to download here

The West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board (WBJEEB) has released the admit card for the Presidency University Master Degree Entrance Test, PUMDET 2023 today, 24 July. The candidates can download the admit card from the official websites – wbjeeb.nic.in or wbjeeb.in.
The PUMDET 2023 is being held for admissions to 15 postgraduate programmes – nine in sciences and six in humanities. The entrance exam is expected to be conducted from 12 PM to 1:30 PM on 30 July.
PUMDET 2023: How to download admit card
The candidates will have to attempt 50 questions in 90 minutes. Every question will carry two marks each. In case of an incorrect answer, .5 marks will be deducted. The paper will have multiple choice questions and the candidates will be provided with an optical machine-readable (OMR) sheet for marking the answers.
The WBJEEB will publish the answer key shortly after conducting the PUMDET 2023. The candidates can challenge the answer key by making a payment of Rs 500 for every question. This fee will not be refunded. The board will then publish the final answer key.
The board will not entertain any challenges made by any other mode such as email, fax, telephone etc. other than the online mode.