
PM’s ‘Exam Warriors’ themed painting competition for students will be hosted by NDMC

Posted on 24 Dec 2022
10:50 AM

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A 193-page book called "Exam Warriors" was published in 2018 to provide students with numerous matras and inspire them to stop worrying about exams
The competition is open, thus schools affiliated with other organisations are welcome to enter. The paintings' subject matter must be lessons learned from our prime minister's book, "Exam Warriors"

A painting competition for school students with the theme of teachings from Prime Minister Narendra Modi's book "Exam Warriors" is being prepared by the New Delhi Municipal Council, a senior official announced on Friday. The event will take place at the Talkatora Stadium on December 26, according to NDMC member Kuljeet Singh Chahal.

A 193-page book called "Exam Warriors" was published in 2018 to provide students with numerous matras and inspire them to stop worrying about exams. "The competition is open, thus schools affiliated with other organisations are welcome to enter. The paintings' subject matter must be lessons learned from our prime minister's book, "Exam Warriors," "At his office in Palika Kendra, Mr. Chahal told reporters.

According to him, the NDMC is entirely comprised of 45 schools. "We are planning," Mr. Chahal added, "bearing in mind that the size of participation would be around 1,500 children or so, including roughly 1,000 from our schools." Certificates would be awarded to the winning students, he added.

Last updated on 24 Dec 2022
10:50 AM
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