JEE Main 2025 Answer Key for Session 1 Update - Objection Submission Guide

The National Testing Agency (NTA) officially concluded the first session of the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE Main) on January 30, 2025. With the exam now over, candidates can expect the provisional answer key to be released soon on the official website (
Answer Key Objection Submission Guide
Once the provisional answer key is published, candidates will have the opportunity to raise objections if they find any discrepancies. The answer key challenge fee has been set at ₹200 per question. To submit an objection, candidates must provide supporting evidence for the disputed answer. The specific dates for the answer key challenge window will be announced along with the provisional key.
“Only paid challenges made during the stipulated time through the key challenge link will be considered. Challenges without justification/evidence and those filed on any other medium other than the prescribed link will not be considered,” the official information bulletin additionally informed.
After considering all objections, NTA will release the final answer key. The session 1 result will be declared based on this final key, and only candidates meeting the cutoff criteria will be eligible for further processes. Candidates are advised to keep checking the official website for updates regarding the answer key and result announcement.