CSIR UGC NET 2024 Exam City Allotment Slip Out! Check Exam Schedule and Major Details Here

The National Testing Agency (NTA) has published the much-anticipated Joint CSIR-UGC NET examination 2024 'Advance City Allotment Slip' for the June session. This slip holds significance for all registered aspirants, as it reveals the exam city assigned to them for the upcoming tests from June 25 to June 27, 2024. The candidates will be able to access the same using their unique application number and date of birth. Along with the city slip, NTA has also released the detailed exam schedule with shift timings.
“The Admit Card of Examination will be issued separately,” the official notification additionally stated.
Steps to Download the City Intimation Slip
Allotment of the centres will be done mostly in one of the preferred cities of the candidates, however, the NTA reserves the right to allot a centre in a city other than their choice under certain specified situations.
If the candidates face any kind of difficulties regarding the examination city intimation slip download process, they can contact the NTA helpdesk at 011-40759000/011-6922770 or write to csirnet@nta.ac.in.
JOINT CSIR-UGC NET Examination Schedule