NIT Andra Pradesh

NIT Andhra Pradesh to conduct workshops to encourage technopreneurs

Our Correspondent
Our Correspondent
Posted on 06 Dec 2021
11:31 AM
The institute’s CRIIC and the department of Biotechnology are together curating the workshops.

The institute’s CRIIC and the department of Biotechnology are together curating the workshops. NIT AP

The workshops will sensitise students, researchers and faculty in incubation and innovation, creating a robust startup ecosystem on campus
They will also emphasise on the various pedagogical approaches to be followed to foster creative thinking and team-working skills of students

National Institute of Technology (NIT) Andhra Pradesh is organising a series of workshops on innovation and entrepreneurship skills to encourage the ‘technopreneurs’ among its faculty, undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as PhD scholars.

The institute’s Centre for Research Innovation Incubation and Consultancy (CRIIC) and the department of Biotechnology are together curating the workshops to help all the stakeholders understand the ‘Scope for Technopreneurs in Academic Institutions’.


These workshops will sensitize students, researchers and faculty members in incubation, innovation and entrepreneurial activities, thus creating a robust startup ecosystem in academic institutions.

Speaking about the initiative, NIT Andhra Pradesh director C S P Rao said, “The main objective of CRIIC, NIT-Andhra Pradesh is to nurture the ideas of students into the entrepreneurial way. Developing an action plan in an organized manner; seeking advice from mentors; learning from mistakes; understanding what it takes to succeed are some of the thoughtful inputs to be considered before starting a business.”

The workshops will have expert speakers covering key topics that include:

  • How to inculcate the skill of innovation among students
  • Government schemes available for academic institutions
  • Development of entrepreneur competencies citing case studies
  • Birds-eye view of Make in India, startup schemes
  • Road maps for successful startups by students

“The teaching-learning process should be oriented in the direction such that societal problems can be addressed through various solutions given by students, so that they become technopreneurs. As a part of the new National Education Policy, it is the duty of the teachers to discuss subjects pertaining to problem-solving skills to inculcate the technopreneur abilities in their minds,” Rao added.

These workshops aim to highlight the role of academic institutes in developing and establishing tech startups and also emphasize on the various pedagogical approaches to be followed to foster creative thinking, innovation and team-working skills of students.

Last updated on 06 Dec 2021
11:31 AM
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