NCHM JEE Answer Key 2023 OUT at; know steps to check here

The National Testing Agency (NTA) released the National Council for Hotel Management Joint Entrance Examination (NCHM JEE) answer key 2023 today i.e. 23 May 2023. Candidates who have appeared for the exam can check their answer key by visiting the official website –
With the help of NCHM JEE 2023 answer key, candidates will be able to check their probable scores in the exam. Candidates will have the opportunity to raise objections against the answer key. Candidates will have to login through application number and password or through application number and date of birth to check the answer key.
NCHM JEE Answer Key 2023: Steps to download
NCHM JEE was held on 14 May from 9 am to 12 pm. As per the official marking scheme, there will be no negative marking. For every correct answer, candidates will get four marks and for every wrong answer one mark will be deducted.