MSBSHSE releases Class 12 Board exam 2025 Admit cards - Check all details

The Maharashtra Class 12 Board examination Admit Cards have been released by the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Examination (MSBSHSE) on its offcial website
The school and educational institutes affiliated to the board will have to download the admit cards from the website, print and distribute them to the students.
The Class 12 board examinations are scheduled to begin on February 11 and will continue till March 11, 2025.
After receiving their admit cards candidates must check for discrepancies. In any discrepancy is found, candidates must bring it to the notice of the concerned authorities.
A correction window will be open where students can apply for corrections in their admit cards.
The admit card is an important document to be carried along on the day of the exam. No candidate will be allowed in the examination centre without proper admit card.