JKSSB issues admit cards for Junior Environmental Engineer and Matric Level positions

The Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) has issued the admit cards for Junior Environmental Engineer and Matric Level positions. Candidates appearing for the examination can download the admit card from the official website at jkssb.nic.in. Candidates can download their admit cards using their email ID and date of birth.
The exam will be conducted on November 5.
How to download the admit card?
Step 1: Visit the official website of Jammu and Kashmir Services Step Step 2: Selection Board (JKSSB) at jkssb.nic.in
Step 3: On the homepage, click ‘Admit Cards for OMR Examination for the post of Junior Environmental Engineer and Matric Level Posts scheduled to be held on 05-11-2023’
Step 4: You will be redirected to a new page
Step 5: Enter your login details
Step 6: Your admit card will be displayed before you
Step 7: Download the admit card and take a print out for future reference
In case of any difficulty in downloading the admit card, candidates may contact the JKSSB Helpline number 0191-2461335 for Jammu and 0194-2435089 for Srinagar. Candidates can also write to helpdesk.jkssb@gmail.com