JKSSB CBT Exam 2023: Admit Card link active at jkssb.nic.in; steps and direct link inside

The Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board released the JKSSB CBT Admit Card 2023 yesterday i.e. on 1 February. Candidates who will be appearing for Computer Based Test (CBT) can download the admit card through the official website of JKSSB- jkssb.nic.in.
According to the official schedule, the Computer Based Type Test (Skill Test) for the posts of Junior Assistant and Junior Assistant-cum-Computer Operator will take place on 9, 10 and 11 February 2023. The Admit Card will have the Name & Address of Exam Centre, Exam City, Exam Date and Exam Time for the candidate.
JKSSB CBT Admit Card 2023: Steps to download
As per the official notice, in case of any difficulty in downloading / issues related to Admit Card, candidate(s) may contact the JKSSB Help-Desk at 0191-2461335 (Jammu) / 0194-2435089 (Srinagar) or write to JKSSB at helpdesk.jkssb@gmail.com. The Help Desk will remain active till 11 February, 2023 during office hours.