JEE Main 2022 Session 2 to begin from July 23

The Joint Entrance Examination Main (JEE Main) Session 2 exam has been postponed by two days. The exams were previously scheduled to start from July 21, but will now start from July 23. Applications for JEE Main Session 2 closed only July 12. The National Testing Agency (NTA) has published the June exam result for the BE and BTech paper on July 11, Monday.
As per the estimates the NTA will release the JEE Main 2022 exam city intimation slips today, 19 July. Candidates appearing for the exams will need to login at the official website - - to verify and download their JEE Main 2022 exam city intimation slips. The intimation slips contain key information about their exam centre. The admit cards for the examinations will be issued after that.
Once the NTA JEE Main 2022 Session 2 admit cards are live, candidates should check their picture, name, and other personal details, including the JEE Main 2022 form application number and ensure that they are correct. In case of any corrections, the candidates must contact the NTA immediately and get the errors rectified.
Around 8,72,432 candidates have registered for the Paper 1 JEE Main exam this year. The Joint Entrance Examination is an engineering entrance assessment conducted to grant admissions to various engineering colleges in India