
Assam govt collaborates with IIT Guwahati to kickstart various projects to develop region

Our Correspondent
Our Correspondent
Posted on 23 Feb 2022
13:01 PM
 The meeting was held at IIT Guwahati and led by TG Sitharam, director, IIT Guwahati.

The meeting was held at IIT Guwahati and led by TG Sitharam, director, IIT Guwahati. Source: IIT Guwahati

Assam government officials had an elaborate meeting with IIT Guwahati on February 22
The government of Assam has sought the institute’s collaboration and support in the proposed plan to set up Assam Skill University

Officials from several departments of the Assam government held a meeting with Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati on February 22 to collaborate on various projects for the development of the region.

The government delegation comprising officials from various departments such as Mines and Minerals, Industry, Commerce, Public Enterprises, and Transport (includes inland waterways) was led by KK Dwivedi, IAS, principal secretary to the government of Assam. The team from IIT Guwahati was led by TG Sitharam, director, IIT Guwahati.

“As per the request of the state government, IIT Guwahati will be very glad to contribute mainly in the areas focusing in the exploration of mines and minerals, commerce and entrepreneurship development, involvement of drones in various sectors, transport sector – Inland water transport, water buses, road safety, aspects related to skill development in multiple upcoming sectors and establishing various centres of excellence and state-of-the-art laboratories at the institute,” Sitharam said.


In the meeting, discussions regarding opening of a Mining department at IIT Guwahati were held. This initiative will help to train young students and involve seasoned professionals in developing ways and means in the form of research and technical guidance to harness the abundant natural resources spread across the state of Assam and the northeast.

IIT Guwahati’s involvement in organising the international road safety conclave was discussed too and it will be taken up immediately. The efforts to enhance road safety across the region will be intensified along with the ministry of transport, government of Assam.

IIT Guwahati will give impetus to research on the use of tea compounds in various sectors such as medicine, health, and wellness sector. Efforts to highlight the importance of various types of tea and their rich ingredients will be carried out along with the state officials.

Dwivedi highlighted the importance of setting up the school of mines at IIT Guwahati and centres of excellence in areas of inland waterways, promoting Assamese traditional jewelry making, innovation in the tea sector, skill training leading to startups and adopting new technology for enhancing road safety.

The state government has also sought IIT Guwahati’s collaboration and support in the proposed plan to set up Assam Skill University. Under the purview of the engineering department, a research and development facility is proposed to be accommodated in multiple aspects to look after inland water transport (marine engine design, designing of vessels, and its repairing and servicing hub).

Last updated on 23 Feb 2022
20:13 PM
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