IISc Bengaluru

IISc Bangalore and CELLINK collaborate to promote 3D bioprinting research

Posted on 20 Aug 2022
11:14 AM

WikiMedia Commons

IISc and CELLINK, a leading global 3D bioprinting company, to advance research on the heart, bone, cartilage, and cancer using 3D bioprinting
On August 18, an MoU was signed to formally establish the partnership

A Center of Excellence (CoE) will be established by the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and CELLINK, a leading global 3D bioprinting company, to advance research on the heart, bone, cartilage, and cancer using 3D bioprinting. The Centre for Engineering (CoE), the first of its kind on the Indian subcontinent, would be located at the IISc in Bengaluru's Centre for BioSystems Science and Engineering (BSSE). According to a statement released by IISc on Friday, it will give researchers access to 3D bioprinting technology, allowing them to move more quickly on important applications with the end goal of enhancing health outcomes.

On August 18, an MoU was signed to formally establish the partnership. 3D bioprinting is the use of additive manufacturing processes on living cells, growth factors, and/or biomaterials to create biomedical parts, frequently with the goal of imitating the properties of natural tissue. A wide variety of bioprinting methods and substances are covered by 3D bioprinting. To help with drug and therapy research, tissue and organ models can currently be printed via bioprinting.

It was announced that IISc and CELLINK will collaborate to hold seminars designed to give researchers at the institute and abroad the skills necessary to use 3D bioprinting in their work and benefit from 3D cell culture. Furthermore, the two will work on research projects for numerous applications in the areas of tissue engineering, drug discovery, material science, and regenerative/individualized medicine.


The Centre will have a keen focus on work around the heart, bone, cartilage and cancer, the statement said. "We are excited to host this CoE in the Institute, which will help to initiate cutting-edge research in an emerging field of technology with immense potential to benefit human health," said BSSE Chairperson professor Narendra Dixit.

Last updated on 20 Aug 2022
11:14 AM
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