IGNOU begins admission for January 2023 session; know steps to apply here

The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) started the admission for January 2023 session. Applicants can apply for multiple courses offered by the university on the official website of IGNOU - ignouadmission.samarth.edu.in. The last date to apply for the January 2023 session is 31 January, 2023.
To register candidates will need to visit the official website and apply for IGNOU registration. After successful registration, students will be required to fill in the necessary information like personal details, academic qualification, course details and correspondence details.
Steps to fill IGNOU January Application Form:
Candidates interested in applying for IGNOU 2023 admission to various programs offered by the university must check their eligibility criteria before applying. IGNOU holds its registration process in two cycles - January and July cycle. The January cycle for IGNOU registration form commences from December month of every year and for July cycle in May.